Synopsis : « Famous Figures Live » is a one-of-a-kind broadcast exclusively reserved for Famous Figures collection holders. This community-driven program offers NFT Famous Figures owners a series of captivating livestreams, featuring exclusive events such as jazz concerts, body painting performances, artistic effeuillage sessions, premium cigar tastings, and much more.
Broadcast format :
- Introduction and Event Presentation : Each episode begins with an introduction of the ongoing event, highlighting the artists, experts, and creators participating in the broadcast. The host provides an overview of the activities scheduled for the day or evening.
- Exclusive Jazz Concerts : Live jazz musicians perform for NFT Famous Figures holders. Viewers can enjoy a variety of styles and unique interpretations, creating an intimate and immersive ambiance.
- Live Body Painting : Talented artists showcase live body painting performances. NFT Famous Figures holders may even be invited to participate as models.
- Artistic Effeuillage Sessions : Burlesque and effeuillage artists deliver sensual and elegant live performances. They create unique and customized acts, sometimes inspired by characters from NFT Famous Figures
- Cigar Tastings : Cigar experts guide NFT Famous Figures holders through exclusive tastings of refined cigars. They share knowledge about the art of cigar tasting and offer tips for fully appreciating the unique flavors of the selected cigars.
- Interaction with NFT Holders : NFT Famous Figures holders can engage with artists, experts, and other participants through a live chat. They can ask questions, share their reactions, and even propose ideas for future broadcasts.
Broadcast : The « Famous Figures Live » broadcast is exclusively streamed on the World Luxury TV™ platform, dedicated to NFT Famous Figures holders. Episodes can be viewed live by NFT holders, with real-time chat and interaction features. Recordings of the episodes may also be available for NFT Famous Figures holders to watch at a later time. The most beloved segments will be added to the NFTs in the Famous Figures collection.
Objectives of the broadcast :
- Provide an immersive, interactive and exclusive experience to NFT Famous Figures holders.
- Promote interaction among NFT Famous Figures holders, fostering an active and engaged community.
- Showcase a variety of talented artists and experts in different artistic and cultural domains.